Friday, June 19, 2009

Mr Bones... Returns

Here’s another part of that story about Mr Bones, his missing belongings and the tearful Lucy. There are two other segments to the story (which I posted earlier.) I haven’t written anything in a while because I’ve had exams, I would have posted something yesterday... but I decided to watch Harry Potter instead. I have plenty of spare time now, so I shall aim to write more for the overwhelmingly huge number of people who read this blog.

Nobody understood. Nobody knew why. But they went along with it all the same.

Mr Bones puzzled over the blood marks on Lucy’s neck with such deep thought, that it wasn’t until his entire class had filed into the room, and someone gave a suggestive cough, that he leapt back from Lucy’s grasp. He realised instantly that the embrace would have been less conspicuous, should he have decided to continue hugging Lucy, making it clear to everyone right then and there that he had nothing to hide. But as reflexes would have it, Mr Bones was now standing with his hands in the air as if someone had walked in with a gun. Lucy looked at him questioningly and a student theatrically commented “Mr Bones is having an affair with Lucy!” It was at this point that Mr Bones lowered his hands, massaged his eyebrows and then looked to address the class as a whole
“Listen-” he began.
“Lucy’s crying!” someone shouted, which ignited overlapping exclamations from various class members
“He made her cry!”
“Mr Bones is a sicko!”
“I trusted him!”
Before long the class was hysterical and no one appeared to be opting for Mr Bones.
“Quiet!” he ordered his class, noting that this was the first time he had ever raised his voice during a lesson. “If you let me explain-” but he was cut off by Matthew Parkins, one of Mr Bones A grade students
“We want to hear Lucy’s explanation!” Matthew demanded, and the class supported this statement with an infuriated roar of cheers. The room went silent. Mr Bones followed everyone’s eyes to Lucy, unsure if he too should be looking at her. Scared as she seemed, Lucy took a slight step forward and tried to explain the situation
“Mr Bones did nothing wrong. It was me. I was crying and he was just trying to help.” Her sentences were far clearer than Mr Bones anticipated after her crying episode seconds ago. The class remained silent. Some looked apologetically at Mr Bones, others were unconvinced. But they all stayed quiet.
“Take your seats, and we’ll begin” Mr Bones instructed, trying to maintain the rage which accompanied the reality that his respect and trust in the class could be so easily broken. They shuffled around the rows of desks and took their usual places. Occasional whispers amongst friends and sceptical glares, delayed Mr Bones from beginning. It was more than evident that over half the class still hadn’t been fully clarified. No one communicated with Lucy, she looked excluded and alone.
“Do we need to discuss this further? Or can I start?” he asked rhetorically to try and silence them. Becky raised her hand, bringing everyone’s focus to the back of the class where she sat. Mr Bones looked at her, terrified of what she was about to say but acknowledging that it needed to be said
“Do we get our SACs back today?” Becky asked chirpily, helping Mr Bones out by changing the focus of conversation
“Of course!” he gratefully replied, before remembering that it isn’t possible to hand back tests which are missing
“What was the class average?” Matthew demanded, apparently still on edge
“It’s just come back to me that I don’t actually have your papers here-” Mr Bones began to apologise
“But you said-” interjected the usually reclusive Alice
“Yes, I know what I said. Look, I really am very sorry about your SACs. They went missing this morning, I think someone has stolen them” he reported. Mr Bones glanced down to Lucy, who had since stopped crying but was now three shades more pale than before. She looked up at Mr Bones with an expression of utter shock, surely she couldn’t be so distressed over not getting her work back? Mr Bones was well aware that he wouldn’t be able to continue looking at Lucy’s alarmed face any longer, without another outburst of accusations.
“Unless there are any questions” Mr Bones continued, trying to get the lesson underway “or problems” he directing his gaze to Lucy as subtly as he could, leaving a slight pause for her to speak up “.... then we’ll get started on the new chapter. If you could all please turn to page 69, “DNA, proteins and proteomes.”
Without further questioning of Mr Bones authority, the students did as they were told and listened with their usual level of focus for the rest of the lesson.
Eventually the bell sounded and he dismissed the class, before rubbing the black board clear with one of the tissues from the box he had earlier offered to Lucy. Before long everyone had shuffled their way out, except for Lucy, who hesitated to collect her books. She looked up with a similarly worried expression as before, went to say something, but decided to quickly rush for the door instead. Mr Bones was somewhat worried that she hadn’t regained any colour in her face
“Lucy” he called, and she stopped unwillingly, her hand poised on the door handle “if you wanted to go to sick bay, I can write a note for your next class’ teacher?” for a second he thought she was going to ignore him and open the door, but she took her hand off the handle and smiled
“No thanks. I’ll be fine” she tried to reassure him “and thanks for helping me before” she added, as if everything was perfectly alright now.
“Lucy! What’s that on your dress!?” Mr Bones exclaimed, noticing the left side of her collar was now soaked in blood, he swept over to her remembering the two blood marks on her neck.
“I’m fine. Really. It’s nothing” she splattered. A drop of blood fell to the floor near Mr Bones’ shoe as she dashed out the door.


Peter said...

lets hope Lucy doesnt pass out from blood loss lol

Luna Moony said...

I'm not sure if I'll write another segment of this story. So you might never know if Lucy makes it to her next class without collapsing.