Monday, January 25, 2010

All You Need Is Love

I've turned into a bit of a hippie since I last blogged (not including that last post explaining my extended absence), I've become somewhat obsessed with The Beatles and Paul McCartney. Mainly Paul. Having listened to their songs continuously for the past couple of months, I've learnt the following things:

1. To make big changes in the world, we have to first fix the little problems as they are the foundations of the bigger problems.

2. The most important thing in the world is love.

3. People are scared of love because of several reasons. All these reasons are silly, I can't even be bothered listing them.

4. To love your friends is just as important as loving your lover.

5. Love has a nasty habit of disappearing over night.

6. People live by a belief that they can't change the world single handedly. If everyone thinks this, and therefore does nothing, then you're right. The world can't be changed.

7. We still have the same problems in 2010 as The Beatles had in the 60s-80s. Paul McCartney points this out in his poem 'Was It Really Twenty Years Ago?' So hopefully in 20 years from today things will be better and not worse.

8. Perspective can make devils or angles of us.

9. If you give a gun to a man and tell him he has to shoot, he will shoot. If you tell him not to shoot there's a 50% chance he will. (This statement could be promptly argued against, but I'm being metaphorical. The point is, when we're exposed to badness we're more likely to be corrupted than changing for the better when we're exposed to goodness. The point of that is, we should all try and listen to the goodness and not the badness.)

10. The Beatles write A LOT of songs about leaving and returning home. So much in fact, you start to wonder if they toured the world constantly, leaving numerous friends and family behind.

11. For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool but making his world a little colder.

12. Paul McCartney's book 'High In The Clouds' (which I really ought to return to the library), demonstrates that the world isn't perfect, but happiness can be found in any situation, especially if you look out for others and aim to achieve happiness for not only yourself but those around you as well.

I'll skip points 13-678 for today, as I must go and celebrate my mums birthday.

1 comment:

Gelati Gecko said...

I endorse the statements made in this post.