Thursday, June 13, 2013

Holiday Blues

It's that time of the year again. Mid year holidays. Forgive me for not leaping with joy, bad back you know. Lion King references aside, holidays suck. For me. I've probably mentioned this in some other post years ago, most likely when I was in year 11 or 12 when holidays REALLY REALLY sucked, but I'm saying it again. I don't think anyone hates holidays as much as I do, except maybe Harry Potter. 

"Why do you hate holidays Luna Moony?" 

Thanks for asking faithful blog reader, but I don't think I want to get into that right now. This isn't my diary where I blab on about my feelings and what not, so let's just leave my answer at "I hate holidays because they suck" the end. 

Now, the reason I'm here writing a post (which I obviously don't do very often anymore) is because I'm setting myself a challenge which I think might save me from some of my Holiday Agony Blues (capitalised for impact), and by 'some' I mean perhaps I tiny smidgen dot, but a little is better than none. And that challenge is going to be to write a post twice a week while I'm on holidays for the next 6 weeks. So 12 posts in total. 

At first this challenge will be easy and I'll happily log in and write down some of my thoughts or whip up a short story for you to read but eventually, like maybe after the first week, it's going to get harder for me to find the motivation to do it (to do anything really) and I'll start thinking things like "why am I bothering with this challenge when no one reads my blog anyway?" "this challenge isn't making me feel better, why keep it up?" and "this blog writing is a waste of time and energy" so it'd be helpful if someone ANYONE HELP ME (another Lion King reference... I should stop with those)... so it'd be helpful if someone, anyone, or everyone could help me by sometimes reading my stuff and commenting and encourage me to keep up my challenge. Thanks in advance friend. 



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Fantastic! Off to a good start :)

Unknown said...

Sorry,trial by fire setting up an identity...accidentally posted more than once..meh

Claire said...

Sounds good! You can do it!

Lachlan W said...

Looks good Luna, keep it up :) I have some ideas of what to do in my holidays but at the moment I'm still in exam study mode :/