Monday, March 16, 2009

The Blog That Arose from the Dead

I know it’s been a very long time (almost three weeks) since I last wrote a post. This is because my school play has eaten all my time away- and I need to treasure the time it hasn’t eaten by catching up on homework. So here’s a segment on The End of Time, which I whipped up a while ago.

Lilette frowned quizzically “about to become a Fairy?” she asked, questioning Ash’s unexplained proposal.
“I do not see how that will work” Kordail commented, trying to fit the pieces together.
“Your plan, Kordail, involved Mie going with Lilette to Peppermint tree.” Ash explained “Mie would then use her persuasive powers to free Lilette’s family. We decided this wouldn’t work because -” Ash stopped short as Kordail finished his sentence
“- the Rats would kill Mielou instantly”
“Exactly-” Ash continued to explain, but was once again interrupted, this time by Lilette
“But... if I turn into a Fairy... won’t I look like a Fairy? Won’t they take one look at me and... and... they have no reason to keep a Fairy alive” Lilette, like Kordail, was uncertain how Ash’s plan could ever prevail.
“OK, OK” Ash raised his hands to gain every one’s full attention “Lilette will not look like a Fairy. Her hair will still be blonde. She will, however, grow wings, but these can be easily concealed -” He obviously wasn’t finished, but Kordail couldn’t restrain from questioning him
“But not all Fairy’s have persuasive abilities, Ash. It is only Mielou that has that power. What good will Lilette’s transformation do, if she cannot persuade the Rats to release her family?” Lilette nodded in agreement, Ash’s plan seemed bleak in hope.
“There is more” Jacob stepped in, over dramatising his words “It is not so much that Lilette will turn into a Fairy... but rather... she will trade powers with Mielou” an intense silence followed Jacob’s mystified mini speech. Lilette thought hard about what it would entail to switch powers with Mielou. She imagined herself with wings, flying amongst the trees with complete control, stopping whenever she pleased, go up when she wanted to go up, down when she wanted to go down....
“Lilette!” Ash demanded waving his hands in front of her eyes.
“Oh, sorry. I was just -”
“Do I have your consent?” Ash urged, trying to hurry the transformation process along.
“Oh, um. Yes. Sure.... offcourse” Lilette agreed.
“May I ask how this is going to work?” asked Kordail, but Ash ignored him and briskly walked towards Mielou. She was still lying awkwardly on the ground, as still as a statue. Lilette couldn’t hear them, but Ash sat himself beside Mielou and began talking.
“I do not know if this is a good idea” Kordail sang to Lilette “Mielou is in such a sensitive state. I fear messing with her abilities may push her over the edge.” Lilette had to agree, but she couldn’t help fearing her family’s safety more than Mielou’s emotional well being. After several minutes, Ash helped Mielou to her feet and the two of them came walking back.
“Mie has agreed to give you her powers” Ash said as if it was a bad thing, Lilette presumed it had taken a lot to persuade Mielou and that Ash was now agitated. Mielou stood emotionless, her face was blank, she was making an effort to keep her head high, but every now and again she couldn’t help but look to the floor.
“Thanks” Lilette whispered with deep sincerity. There was a moment of hesitation, as everyone thought silently about the pros and cons of Ash’s plan.
“Are you sure about this Mielou?” Kordail asked, concerned.
“Yes” Mielou replied with no emotion, so it was hard to tell if she really meant it, Kordail searched her face for the true response, but could not decipher Mielou’s expression “I just don’t think we can pull it off” she added unexpectedly.
“We can only hope” said Jacob, moving things along. “Let’s get going!” he insisted, clapping his hands together. Lilette appreciated how concerned Jacob and Ash where to save her family.
“Dad” Ash turned to Jacob “if I lead the way with Mie, can you follow behind with Lilette?” Jacob nodded in response to Ash’s you-don’t-really-have-a-choice-in-this question. Mielou and Ash grasped each other’s hand but their connection lacked the passion Lilette remembered from before. Just as Ash had squatted to the ground and was about to spring up into the air, Lilette remembered their Pixie friend
“Wait!” she called to Ash “what about Kordail? We can’t just leave him here” she turned and smiled sweetly to Kordail who, through a tangle of seaweed, smiled graciously back. Ash sighed loudly in annoyance
“Lilette” Ash said as if there was nothing that could be done “we can’t bring him” he spoke softly (not so quiet that Kordail couldn’t hear, but not so loud that he would appear glad that Kordail couldn’t come.) “He would be a real burden, Lilette. It’s fine for us to carry you along, but that’s because you’re weightless.”
“It is fine” Kordail inputted making everyone turn to him “I do not want to slow you down”
“No!” Lilette cried defiantly “surely it won’t be much of a hassle to bring him along?” she began to plead. When Kordail made no further attempt at courtesy, Ash gave in.
“Fine! But it’s your family that’s in trouble, Lilette. Not mine.” Ash gave Lilette a disapproving glare, took Kordail by the hand, and flew angrily off into the air.
“You take Lilette. I’ll help with Kordail” Jacob instructed Mielou kindly, before soaring off into the sky after his son. For the first time in what felt like ages, Lilette was alone with her best friend.
“Where are we going?” Lilette asked, truly curious, but to prevent any upcoming awkward silences between them.
“We’re going to Midnatt Lune Lumière Montana” Mielou uttered fluently. When on earth was Midnatt Lune Lumière Montana? And how would it give her Mielou’s powers?


Anonymous said...

Hey Marcella, how are you? Have you asked anyone to the formal yet? Whose table are you on? DON'T PUT THEIR FULL NAMES!
Okay bye!

Luna Moony said...

No, I haven't asked anyone to the formal yet.
And I'm on the most awesome table in the world, you should know... you're on it.

Anonymous said...

well, why not??? just ask someone!

Luna Moony said...

Are you bringing someone to the formal?
I think not.