Monday, November 2, 2009


It has come to my attention that ‘lol’ is no longer an acronym for ‘laugh out loud.’ These days, when someone actually physically laughs they have to say ‘HAHAHA’ or ‘I actually just loled at that last comment you made!’ even ‘haha’ is often used when the person doesn’t laugh, but is commonly used when they find something funny or amusing. In the present day ‘lol’ is used to ensure that the receiver of the message or comment acknowledges that the conversation is light hearted and not too serious.

For example: “you’re so crazy lol”
“Stop talking about Matthew Lewis lol”

It isn’t an expression of sarcasm, what is being said is meant, but possibly the sender is smiling while writing it or wanting to avoid offending the receiver. ‘lol’ is also commonly used to break up sentences, as a more friendly substitution for a full stop or comer.

For example: “yesterday was so fun lol what are you doing tomorrow?”
“Stop bringing up Matthew Lewis lol ur obsessed”

The moment I realised ‘lol’ no longer represented laughter was when I sent a friend this message:
“Why weren’t you in class today?”
And got the reply
“I was sick lol”
I almost said
“haha yeah that IS pretty funny, I’m laughing out loud at the thought of you being sick at home as well!”
What she actually meant was
“I was sick, but don’t worry, it’s not that bad”

And that’s pretty much all I have to say, this blog is all but dead lol

1 comment:

Gelati Gecko said...

I agree, and acknowledge your musings. You will find that your blog has only truly left this world when none here are faithful to it.