Sunday, November 2, 2008


Well, I thought I’d take a break from my exam studying, and write a blog.

“Trick or Treat, give us a sweat, or we’ll repossess your house and roll you down the street” – sings my cousin.

As you probably know it was Halloween on Friday. I love Halloween, it’s a heap of fun. And although we don’t live in America I tend to go Trick or Treating. So, this year me, my sister and my cousins dressed up and went knocking on strangers doors asking for candy.

If you’ve ever seen a peacock behind an x-ray machine then you’ll be able to imagine what my mum’s costume looked like.... but apparently my court jester outfit was the scariest of all.

I don’t know what supernatural things you believe happen on Halloween, but when it buckets down with rain - the split second you walk out the door – then you start to believe that there is some higher being who has a personal grudge against you. Much like my maths teacher (I refer to her in regards to the ‘personal grudge’ comment not the ‘higher being’ comment.)

Soaking wet, we headed off to my cousins teachers house (who told his students to come Trick or Treating at his place.) On the way we encountered a lonely elderly woman (who wouldn’t stop talking) a woman (who almost released her hounds on us) a young man (who slammed the door in our face) and numerous tooting cars.

There are three sorts of people:
1. The people who hate Halloween, find it too American, and pull out the shot gun.
2. The people who think it’s great you’re Trick or Treating, have decorations everywhere, and have lots of candy prepared for you.
3. The people who didn’t expect Trick or Treaters and are rather apologetic for not having anything.

We came across all three (except, no one pulled out a shot gun, thank goodness.) Next year, if you’re thinking of going Trick or Treating, go to your local supermarket, video store and Subway. They give away awesome things. And don’t go into houses that say ‘beware of the dog’ because generally there is a dog you should beware of. You may like to try waving at a passing train, we did, and the train driver – who I suspect was a person #2 – gave as a nice, little musical toot.

Nice, little musical toots given by trains always make you feel special.

Well, that was my Halloween. How was yours? ....... *note to self: when I ask general questions like that on my blog, people have tended not to respond*

The other day – bear with me as I’m about to get random- I stumbled across a song called ‘Bella Luna’ and bought the entire album so I could hear this song. It wasn’t until after I’d bought the album that I discovered you can just listen to it for free here:

There was no point to that little story. It’s just because I’m listening to the album right now, and it gets better every time I hear it. If you do follow the link, listen out for the part where Jason Mraz goes “like a ring around the finger of a girl” merely because it sounds.... cool.

Weekly Helpful Hint: When your parents say “let’s go to the new shopping centre and have a look around for an hour!” what they really mean is “We need new glasses, so we’re going to OPSM to spend THREE WHOLE HOURS trying millions of glasses on, in a very indecisive, dull manner.”

I best be getting back to my exam studying now.... that was a lie, I’m actually about to have dinner.... not that you needed to know that.

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