Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Technology Strike

As you may have gathered from the title of this post, I’m taking a break from using technology. It’s only for a week and starts as soon as I finish watching All Saints tonight (because I’m dying to see if Erica survives and if it’s Mark Priestley’s last episode, I don’t think I could wait another week to find out.)

It’s not a complete strike, I’ll allow myself to do some technology related things. Like, for example: validating my train ticket. I don’t think the ticket inspectors will except “actually, I’m on a technology strike and couldn’t use the ticket validating machine” as an excuse.

I’m also not going to go out of my way to avoid the day to day technology that’s uncontrollably necessary in my life. Like, for example: I won’t cover my ears in an attempt to avoid hearing the school bell that plays several times a day.

But I will stop watching TV, listening to my Ipod and going on my computer, which includes (unfortunately and regretfully) this blog.

It may pain you to live without my posts (although you all seemed to cope alright when I had exams) but remember, I’ll be back in a week.

You may ask why I’m doing this. But if you did, I wouldn’t be sure what to reply.

I’ll leave you all with a riddle which - although I solved it rather quickly - will hopefully keep you occupied for a week until I return:

What is greater than God
More evil than the devil
The poor have it
The rich need it
And if you eat it, you'll die?


Gelati Gecko said...

Good luck with your technology strike. "I'm dying to see if Erica survives"...intentional?

And...I'll make a random guess at HUNGER for the riddle...because...if you eat it you die..of hunger..poor people are hungry....rich people need poor people to be hungry so they can be rich...and...its more immediate than heaven or hell I guess...

Anonymous said...


Luna Moony said...

Hunger was a good guess, but the answer is actually 'Nothing'.
Yeah, I did do the "dying to see if she survives" thing, on purpose.