Saturday, September 6, 2008


For some reason I really like playing chess. You always feel like you’ve accomplished something great every time you check mate someone. When playing against my sister (who at the moment is the only person I play against) you get to feel the satisfaction of winning within ten minutes, often five. We played (with no exaggeration) about fifty rounds last weekend, until she decided that losing sucks. We haven’t played since.
We have a fantastic chess board, it’s made of glass, but we’ve mysteriously lost all the pieces (presumably when we moved houses two years ago.) So, due to a sudden enthusiasm to play chess again last weekend, we went on a hunt around the house to find the aforementioned pieces. After searching in the attic, the garage and even the kitchen cupboards we all agreed that they were indeed lost pieces. So I made some pieces out of paper.
The problem of playing chess with paper pieces is that whenever you sneeze, cough, laugh or even breathe a little bit too heavily the entire game erupts into the air and floats back down into incorrect positions. I highly recommend NEVER playing chess with paper.
After watching me and my sister play a few rounds my dad eagerly offered me a game, which I accepted with equal excitement. I hadn’t played anyone except my sister since I was eleven (I actually hadn’t played chess since primary school until last weekend) so I was ready for a little variety in opponents.
It was a lot harder (and more time consuming) playing against him, he wasn’t nearly as predictable. When I check mated him he looked at me with complete surprise and then once the shock had worn off he said “That wasn’t fair. I couldn’t concentrate properly with these pieces. We’ll have a rematch once we’ve found the real ones.” Sure dad, sure you lost because of the pieces, whatever you say.


Anonymous said...

yay first to comment go me go me yay
I am so bad at chess omg and i get so bored because of my short attention span i end up getting destracted by something shiny and walking off but meh lol


Luna Moony said...

Yay a comment!
haha you get distracted by something shiny lol.