Friday, September 5, 2008

My First Blog

Why on earth did I just spend the entire afternoon making myself a blog?
Today I left school at play time- I mean recess- and had to catch the train all the way home. Which is rather annoying because it takes about half an hour longer than it would if I caught the bus. Oh well. The point is, I got home at 12.30 and had nothing at all to do, so I decided to make a blog. It's now 4pm and I'm still in the process of making a blog. Do you have any idea how incredibly slow this computer is? I almost threw it out the window when it took 2 minutes just to close down a word document.
Anyway... I'm meant to be in a good mood today, because it's Friday. Friday is my break day. I don't allow myself to do anything school related... instead I allow myself to spend 3 and a half hours getting irritated at my computer.
You might possibly be wondering what the story behind my username is. Or you probably don't care, but I'll tell you anyway. Obviously it's from Harry Potter, but why did I chose it? Well, firstly Luna is my kittens name, and I love my kitten. And secondly Mooney is Remus Lupins (Remo's) nickname, and I love Remo. Page 531 of my copy of the Deathly Hallows has been mutated by my dried up tears (that's the page where Lupin dies, and you don't have to tell me how weird it is that I know the page number off by heart, I already know I'm strange) Oh and I'm very, very sorry if you didn't know Lupin dies, incredibly sorry.
Guess what? Due to an overwhelming number of people telling me how great Sweeney Todd is, I've decided to watch it this Saturday! I've only been putting it off because I had a nightmare about it, I know that's odd but I get scared easily.
Alright I'll finish now... I hope someone actually reads this, other wise it was really big waste of 3 and half hours.


Gelati Gecko said...

Hey Luna Mooney,
I'm sure you'll find that though a blog may be a complete waste of your time, at least you have something to show for it at the end! Have fun!

Gelati Gecko said...

Hmm...I just tried to post a comment here, but I'm not sure if it worked...

Anonymous said...

Hey Ella!
Lol- love the play-time thing- and I have to ask- WHAT IS THE SOUND OF RICE!
The suspense is killing me!
And just for your own reference, I seriously discourage you from watching Sweeney Todd. It is a SCAREY movie. Although Johnny Depp does a wonderful job. He SINGS!!! As if he wasn't good enough as a pirate- NOW HE SINGS! But DON'T WATCH IT!!!
Okee dokee better be off... got a whole night of Disney movies that aren't going to watch themselves!
Have a good weekend- See you Monday!

Luna Moony said...

Yay people commented my blog! How exciting.

Gelati Gecko - thanks! I think I will have fun, even though I'm not a very good writter (or speller.) I had my comments on some weird setting, but they worked so it's ok.

Claire - It's too late, nothing can stop me from watching Sweeney Todd now. You haven't even seen it anyway...
The sound of rice is a bit hard to explain. If you get two metal bowls and fill one of them half way with raw rice, then slowly pour it into the other metal bowl it makes a wonderful sound.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the sound would be immensely satisfying. I KNOW I HAVEN'T SEEN IT -OMG are you watching it right now? STOP!? STOP I SAY!
Enjoy your rice!

Luna Moony said...

Ha, yeah the sound is 'immensely satisfying.'
I'm watching it tommorrow, don't worry I'll survive... I hope.
I would watch it tonight but I have to have fish and chips and watch a kiddie film with my family. Nothing against kiddie films, especially Disney, but I think I would rather we watching Sweeney Todd and eating rice.

Anonymous said...

hi Luna Mooney haha that makes me think of chese (dont know why though)
nice blog I had a blog once but it died because i neglected writing in it haha
and omg i r gonna LOVE sweeny todd its soooooooo good omg omg omg lol

cya Later

Luna Moony said...

Cheese? lol alrighty then.
I'll tell you if I liked Sweeney Todd or not next Thursday :)
Thanks for commenting!