Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sweeney Todd

As promised I watched Sweeney Todd last night. It was a bloody movie, but it didn’t scare me. Maybe it was because I hyped myself up into believing that I was about to watch the scariest movie I’d ever seen. I was pretty alert and edgy to begin with, but as soon as the first person was killed I realised it wasn’t going to be as bad as I’d thought. You may be thinking “that’s all very well Luna Mooney, I’m glad you’re not permanently damaged by the movie. But did you enjoy it?”
It was such a good movie! I wish I’d seen it a lot sooner. I won’t give you a review or a full run down on all the things I liked. That’s the sort of thing that’s best left for real life conversations. But I will say that I really liked it, and that it’s one of my favourite movies now.
Ok. I have to say, to those of you who laughed hysterically at me when I asked whether or not Sweeney Todd was a comedy. It WAS funny. Maybe it wouldn’t fall under the genre of comedy, but it was still funny. The back of the DVD cover even says it: “Scary, monstrously FUNNY and melodically thrilling.”

There are a few ways to tell if a movie is really good:
1. If you enjoyed it.
2. If you would watch it again.
3. If familiar actors (like Johnny Depp) become disassociated to their previous characters in your mind. – which did happen in Sweeney Todd, except for when Judge Turpin said “Mark me” which just reminded me of Harry Potter because they always say “mark my words.”
4. If you don’t concentrate on the food you’re eating. - I was supposed to eat my pasta while watching Sweeney Todd, but It was too captivating and engaging that I barely had five bites.

There are probably many more ways, but I think if these four apply then the movie’s a winner. Actually a movie can be a winner if only the first one applies. But Sweeney Todd had all four. I don’t usually use a criteria to judge a movie, I just made this up then.

Anyway, once I finished watching the movie I went out into the kitchen, only to find that my dad had baked pie. “Ah, your movie’s over! Would you like some apple pie for dessert?” he asked me. My dad very rarely makes dessert (like maybe twice a year) and I don’t think he’s ever made pie, so it was a really strange coincidence that the one night I watch a movie about putting humans into pies he bakes us one.


Gelati Gecko said...

Hmm...maybe you shouldn't have eaten your Dad's "apple" pie. But I'm glad you enjoyed Sweeney Todd.

Anonymous said...

omg i know you would love it and its a black comedy like when the kid was sentinced to death....haha pie

Luna Moony said...

ah, yes black comedy does sound like a good way to describe it.
I know, I shouldn't haven't eaten the pie, but he put so much effort into it.

Anonymous said...

Ok you are an odd person. Or maybe it's me...
That is ACTUALLY the scariest movie I've ever seen.
That whale.... *shudder*

Luna Moony said...

I've seen Pinoccio, are you talking about the Disney cartoon version? The whale part of that is just weird, not scary. The part were they turn into donkey's, that's freaky.