Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Picnic Post

I know I said I’d post this blog as soon as I got home. We went to my grandma’s a little earlier than I thought we would.... and stayed a little longer than I thought we would. And then I had to do my homework and have dinner. But I’m writing it now, so don’t panic. I decided to dedicate this entire blog to organising our picnic.
So first I’ll just recap on the details we already decided on earlier today:
  • We’re thinking last week of holidays
  • Would be easier if it was near my house because I’m in the middle... sort of
  • I’m making sweet things and lemonade (lemonade also falls under the category of “sweet things” but when I said sweet things I meant food not drink.)
  • You two (I’d say your names but you know who you are and I’m not sure if you want me to say your name on the internet....) are doing savoury things
  • We have to work out what we’re all bringing and where we’re going to do it, that’s the reason we decided I should make this blog.

*My sister just asked me if I wanted to play a midnight chess match, of all the things to wake up in the middle of the night to do, playing chess is not one of them. Which brings me to ask you, have you read my blog called chess? It’s my most unread one, and I think it feels lonely and neglected. Thanks Andrew for commenting it! Actually, thanks to everyone whose read and commented my blogs. Remember: you don’t need to be registered to leave me a comment.

That was a bit off topic. Back to our picnic. We’ll just stay in touch on this blog and organise stuff, ok?
If anyone feels unloved not being a part of the picnic let me know. The more the merrier.


Anonymous said...

Yes yes Picnic sounds great. I have created the Alias of "Claire" (Ok that's my name) but DON'T PUT MY LAST NAME, SCHOOL OR CONTACT DETAILS ON THE INTERNET. EVER. It's not good. If I wanted my details public I would have a myspace or facebook or some such.
Yes picnic lovely. I agree, near your house is better, I can bring little mini queches (how on EARTH do you spell QUECHE???) and... what else? Any ideas? I am so uninspired. What can you expect- it's the last day of school lol.

Luna Moony said...

I was worried about using your first name, offcourse I won't put your last name or any of that stuff.
Quiche is spelt q.u.i.c.h.e ... that would be awesome, bring those! Hmm other ideas, I asked my mum and she said “how about cucumber sandwiches?” cucumbers weren’t created to be put in sandwiches, it doesn’t work.
I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, it depends on how much effort you’re willing to put into cooking. What foods don’t you like? I don’t like zucchini, eggplant and nuts and I’m allergic to fruit and vegetables, but we all know I eat them anyway. And Alex doesn’t want to eat lamb, is that right? Oh and we need to bring meat because I’m meat deprived.

Anonymous said...

yes last week of hols is best, did we say the thurs or something? i cant remember....

and yes i am using the name alex, but seeing as there has to be 100,000,000,000 alexs in the world im not too fussed.

ok, savory, hmmmm.....i'll come up with something, we want finger food right?

and PLEASE dont bring cucumber sandwiches.....i love cucumber, but i dont think im going to enjoy it in sandwiches.

im good with anything but lamb. u can bring it, but im not going to eat it...oh and rabbit and duck as well, but somehow i dont think ur going to bring rabbit to a picnic. going to look up some food, and will get back to you

cool....enjoy the hols! see u 3rd week!

Luna Moony said...

Hey Alex!
Sorry it took so long to reply... I was at the snow.
Yeah, we thought the last week would be best. Thursday? I don't remember. I don't care when we do, whenever is fine with me.
You sure can do finger food.
Don't worry, we won't bring cucumber sandwhiches, lamb, duck or rabbit.
Get back to me when you've decided what you're bringing, or we could all end up bringing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

thurs is good, but in the arvo coz i have a dentist appt on at 10.00am, so i wont be able to make it until about 12.00 coz my bro takes FOREVER to have his appt coz i swear he doesnt brush his teeth....
anywho. where are we going exactly? i was thinking fairfield park, do u know where that is??? or are we going to heildberg park??
i was thinking of bringing bits a peices, like an antipasto-like thing. with olives, artichoke hearts, prosciutto, mortadella, capsicum and some cheeses....i know it sounds REALLY italian, i just couldnt think of what to bring, so i was thinking that and some fresh there anything u dont like in that idea? i wont bring eggplant and zucchini and im not too fond of nuts, so its all good.

is there anything u want/dont want me to bring??? or if u have any better idea i would love to know coz im a bit stuck.

beautiful...hopefully will see u thurs of the last week!!!
have a great holiday!
alex. xoxo

Anonymous said...

eeek! pressed the wrong button, its alex who wrote the above

Luna Moony said...

hey Alex, I figured it was you :)
I was thinking that I could go searching for a place this week (I have nothing better to do) but if I don't find some awesome spot then Heidleberg park of Fairfield park is fine by me.
I love artichoke hearts! All those foods you mentioned are exactly the kind of thing we used to eat when we had picnics in Italy... they're awesome, good idea.
Would it be easier for you if it was next Wednesday? Or is Thursday still best? Like I said before, I have no preference.

Anonymous said...

thurs is still good for me. i figure we wont be having a lunchy picnic before lunch, so thurs is still perfect for me.
YES!!! look around, im not too sure where we should go, fairfeild was just a suggestion, but where ever is good with me as long as we arent sitting on a railway line or freeway.....

great! at least i know that u like wat im bringing....and that ur not allergic to them....CLAIRE!!!! do u mind me bringing an antipasto?

also, i remember someone saying something about a dresscode or that we have to wear dresses/skirts, is that still the case? coz if so im gonna have to find a skirt in the black hole i call a wardrobe. and then i have to find a pair of shoes, which is going to be even more impossible than a skirt.
sorry about the fact that i never use capitals. my brother just pointed out the fact that my grammar sucks...sorry about that.

cool...see u!
alex xoxo

Luna Moony said...

Ok cool, Thursday it is.
I'll try to find a spot that doesn't run the risk of us all being killed by a train and/ or car... or by anything.
We were going to where spring dresses or skirts... but just cos it's fun, you don't have to.
I wonder what Claire thinks about all this.
Yeah, I suppose there is a lack of capitals in your comments... but it doesn't bother me even slightly.
Alrighty. Now we just have to hang around and wait for what Claire thinks :)

Anonymous said...

yes.....claire? are you still alive? please say ur still alive, coz it would be terrible if u were dead...
i will see wat the weather is like before i decide. question, what happens if its going to rain? will we put it on another day?

alex xoxo

Luna Moony said...

I was thinking about that today when I walked to the video store and got drenched in rain... we can't really have a picnic in the rain, so maybe we would have to change the data.
Claire's alive... I heard from her this morning... not that I ever suspected death as a posibility....

Anonymous said...

CUCUMBER SANDWICHES??? I THINK I JUST VOMITED A LITTLE. That's even worse than smoked chicken sandwiches.
Alex my darling... you nkow I love you but ARTICHOKE HEARTS sounds quite... intersting. However- I shall try them. That sounds so exotic I'm hungry already- I'm still stumped for ideas. My family has no culture. All I have is mini queches. And just FYI- if this blog is being stalked then the stalker knows where to find us, when to find us and WHAT WE WILL BE EATING. This is not safe. Therefore I shall now be Anonymous. However, you do all know who I am. Maybe even the stalker. STOP READING THIS YOU FREAK!
Okee dokee. Dress code- I suggest something SUMMERY. Dress or whatever. Skirt. Jeans- whatever you want that will be comfortable. Bearing in mind that if we don't bring a rug the grass could be itchy. BTW Antipasto souds delicious- I am not dead but I did have my wisdom teeth out. I suggest we correspond via email in future- I KNOW how you like getting comments on you blog "Luna" but IT'S NOT SAFE.
I am quite alive lol and looking foreward to hearing from you VIA SCHOOL EMAIL.
Annoying- yes, but YOU'D MISS ME IF I WASN'T- ADMIT IT!

Anonymous said...


Luna Moony said...

You musn't of ever tried artichoke hearts, because it's not possible to dislike them. You'll see.
You didn't spell saftey wrong, because you never even said the word in your comment.
My 'stalker' will be very confused, first he'll go to Fairfield (we won't be there)and then Heidelberg (we probably won't be there either) poor guy... he'll be wondering around various parks in Melbourne asking strangers "have you see three people who are eating mini quiches, antipasta and not cucumber sandwhiches?"
When I find a place I will tell you VIA SCHOOL EMAIL but until then we can continue this discussion on my blog.
Would it be easier if you came to my house and then we went to the secret place which won't be spoken of here?

Luna Moony said...

oh, right... you said "saftey" in your name, ignor the part of my last comment where I say "You didn't spell saftey wrong, because you never even said the word in your comment." my bad...

Anonymous said...

lol...this sounds like fun.... Hi Mr Stalker!! How are we going? question, why are stalkers always Mr's? is it part of the itinerary of becoming a stalker? 'you must be creepy, pathetic and MALE'????
ok, all good now. at least antipasto is OK...and heads up....i LOVE quiche, probably because i cannot make it....i've tried once, and it did NOT turn out well at all.....the only reason why im doing antipasto is coz i have all the stuff at home. sometimes i wish my family wasnt so cultural, its a bit annoying hearing how to make raviloi fifty million times. NOT NORMAL!!!
anywho....what happens if it rains? do we bring umbrella's and hope the grass isnt wet? :P
im free that whole week except tues and 10am thurs morn

will hear from u on the skool email, just use a group email thingo.

cool!! luv, Me!

Anonymous said...

dear mr stalker,
if you really wish to stalk us, we will be at the Sunshine public park in mickey-mouse outfits on the 31st of September from 2-9pm.

sorry....i had to do that.
luv, me

Luna Moony said...

Hi Me!!!!
um, yeah let's bring umbrellas and... a picnic blanket?
I can't believe you told my stalker when we would be at Sunshine public park wearing mickey-mouse outfits!!! Now we have to reschedual and relocate and rethink the dresscode.
See you on school email!

Luna Moony said...

Well, the stalker never did show up at our picnic. Although that man who was smoking on the bench near us seemed a little odd. As did the bearded man near the supermarket.
Why did I post this comment when no one is going to read it anyway?